Top 10 React UI Component Libraries you should know for 2020!

Nirasha Wimalasooriya
6 min readNov 18, 2020

The key to a high-quality user interface lays in the design that helps you to achieve the best possible graphical user interface. we all love to write our own CSS code for layout, but sometimes it takes time to even creating a simple Card when you've limited time, so why not we just use some of the UI library/frameworks to accomplish tasks right off the bat!

Before you start your next project with React, take a few minutes to scan this list of best React UI component libraries that can help you create an awesome looking UI.

1. Ant Design

Ant Design is a React UI library that provides customizable components which is easy to use and helpful for building of elegant user interface. Ant Design recently beat material UI to become the most popular React UI library on GitHub with over 64k stars.

Features of Ant Design: Supports internationalization, Rich and interactive user interface, Powerful theme customization, High-quality components are present, High performance.

It is specially created for internal desktop applications and is based on several principles and unitary specifications. It makes design and prototype more simple and accessible for all of a project’s members.

2. Material UI

MaterialUI is a design language that was developed by Google. It is the most powerful tool that consists of many accessible and configurable UI widgets. These components lead to enhance performance in your application by self-supporting and only inject styles the user needs to display. It provides a simple, light, and user-friendly layout and design to make building beautiful applications a breeze.

MaterialUI has an active set of maintainers and a strong community behind it. It currently has over 62k stars on GitHub, making it one of the most popular component libraries out there.

3. Semantic UI React

Semantic UI React is the official React integration for Semantic UI. Semantic UI is a jQuery-based library that adds extra functionality to your pipeline. With Semantic UI React, all the extra functionality has been re-written to React code.

You’ll use JSX code to directly define the components and bind it with its React component code. It comes with a huge list of prebuilt components designed specifically to make sense of and produce Semantic-friendly code.It has over 11k stars on GitHub and is being downloaded over 100k times each week from npm.

4. React Bootstrap

React Bootstrap is a UI kit based on the bootstrap library. It simply replaces the JavaScript in the regular Bootstrap components with React code. Using React bootstrap is often intuitive to use because of the number of available bootstrap themes.

It is arguably the fastest way to get started building interfaces using React and Bootstrap. It has gained popularity over the years and now has over 18k stars on GitHub.It also gathers over 500k downloads on npm weekly.

If you want to build React apps quickly, React Bootstrap can be very useful. It’s the world’s most popular front-end component library, and it has a lot of starter kits, resources, and themes readily available for use.

5. Shards React

Shards React is an open-source, modern React UI kit that’s built from scratch and geared towards fast performance. The modern design system allows you to change many things. What’s more, you can download the source files to change things at the code level too. The SCSS used for styling only enhances the developer experience.

This library is based on Shards, and uses React Datepicker, React Popper (a positioning engine), and noUIShlider. It supports Material and Fontawesome icons. The Shards Pro package has 15 pre-made pages that help you get started. Helpfully, these pages use blocks that you can move around.

With ~500 stars on GitHub, it also includes dozens of custom React components such as range sliders and toggle inputs. The 350+ components ensure that you can build almost every type of website with Shards React.

6. Blueprint

Blueprint is a React-based UI toolkit for the web. From the component library, you can pick up bits of code for generating and displaying icons, interacting with dates and times, picking time zones, and more. With over 16k stars on GitHub and a weekly download of over 100k on npm, it is one of the fastest-growing UI libraries in the past year. If you’re building something that needs to deal with a lot of data and a lot of flexibility, then consider taking a look at Blueprint.

7. Chakra UI

Chakra UI is a simple, modular, and accessible component library that gives you all the building blocks you need to build React applications. Chakra UI contains a set of layout components like Box and Stack that make it easy to style your components by passing props.

One thing I personally love about it is that most of the components are dark mode compatible. It can get you started with building simple, composable components that cater to real-world UI design problems.

it has gained over 12k stars on GitHub in a very small time and earned a lot of positive comments from top React developers.

8. Grommet

Grommet is a React-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and themes in a tidy package.

Grommet helps build responsive and accessible mobile-first projects for the web with an easy to use the component library. One of the best things about grommet is that you can easily integrate it with existing projects or when starting out with new ones. Grommet is also growing with about 5k stars on GitHub.

9. Rebass

Rebass is a tiny UI components library capable of creating a very powerful set of theme-able UI elements based on the Styled System library. Rebass contains only eight foundational components in a super-small file, all built specifically for responsive web design. The components use a styled-system and serve as a great starting point for extending into custom UI components for your app using its inbuilt ThemeProvider.

If you don’t want to rely completely on component libraries and intend to extend an already existing one during development, you should definitely check out Rebass. It’s rapidly gaining popularity. The project currently has over 6k stars on GitHub and gathers around 130k downloads per month from npm.

10. Evergreen

Evergreen is a React UI Framework for building ambitious products on the web. It was created by the developers at Segment. One of the best things about Evergreen is their detailed explanation of its design decisions.

It provides a set of components for building essential features of a web application. Evergreen’s design is light, simple, and intuitive. You can use it to get started building elegant user interfaces pretty quickly. It’s also rapidly gaining popularity, and currently has over 10k stars on GitHub with over 100 contributors.

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